
Exhibition of 2023

How we live through our physical senses carries in itself one side of experiencing life. The other side is a mystery veiled from us. Sometimes we are brought closer to this veil and sometimes we penetrate all the way through, where a glimpse into that mystery is something to understand throughout the rest of our lives. But the passing from one reality to another does not require any technological star gates or shamanic rituals. A portal to other dimensions and supernatural phenomena has already been gifted to us. It is all around us and within us in the natural world. As above so below. The patterns of our cosmos are written into everything. And the most intricate and sophisticated portal of all is our own temple of body, mind and soul. Creating, healing, giving new life and dying, these are all miracles we are yet to truly fathom. 

Mardorla means almond in Italian. On icons, an almond shaped halo surrounds the figures of Christ and the Mother of God. It symbolises a portal and that who they are as beings makes them able to pass through different dimensions. Death has been conquered and transfiguration takes them to the mysteries behind the veil.